Thursday 13 March 2014



It is the best guide you can get fit body without gym in home,
It Is a simple to get a fit body,you learn over e book and use the tricks and guide.


If you think how to make six pack abs .It is easily get to home in 3 month.
If you only think how to get six pack can't do this.
I give you 6 simple tricks how to get abs in 3 month.
""if you work in two times in a day so you can get six pack abs in 4 weeks..

   "six simple tricks  =  six pack abs"

Hanging Leg Raise

  1. It Is first step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Secondary: ForearmsMiddle & Lower Back / LatsUpper Back / Traps
  4. Equipment: Full gymNo equipment

  • Grip a chin up or pull up bar with a firm overhand grip.
  • Hang from the bar with your legs straight.
  • Raise your legs by flexing your hips forward and bending your knees up towards your chest.
  • Continue to raise your knees towards your chest by flexing your waist forward. Don’t swing your body to use momentum. Use your abdominals to pull your legs up.
  • Return to the starting position, lowering your legs slowly until they are straight.
  • Repeat.
Note: For added resistance you can wear a dip belt with weight suspended from.

Weighted Twis
  1. It Is second step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Equipment: No equipment

  • Sit on an exercise mat with your legs fully extended and your upper body upright.
  • Grip a weight plate between both hands.
  • Hold the plate out in front of your abdominals keeping your arms bent slightly.
  • Cross your your ankles and raise them off the floor slightly.
  • Bend your knees towards you slightly.
  • Lean back about 15 degrees to balance your body. This is the start position.
  • In a smooth motion,turn your torso to the left and touch the plate on the floor. Make sure you exhale as you do this.
  • Return to the start position inhaling as you do so.
  • Repeat the same movement, this time to your right sid.
  • Return to start position and repeat.

Note: This exercise can be performed seated on a bench or with a barbell.

Dumbbell Side Bend

  1. It Is third step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Secondary:
  4. Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Stand straight, your feet shoulder width apart, while holding a dumbbell in your left hand with your palm facing in to your body.
  • Place your right hand on your waist, palm facing in. This is the start position.
  • Keeping your back and head straight, bend only from your waist to the right. Inhale as you bend.
  • Continue as far as possible, then hold for a count of one.
  • Return to the start position, exhaling as you do so.
  • Repeat the movement this time bending to the left and returning to the start position.
  • Complete all repetitions holding the dumbbell with your left hand before changing hands.
Note: This exercise can be performed seated on a bench or with a barbell.

Bench Leg Pull-In / Knee-up

  1. It Is fourth step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Secondary:
  4. Equipment: No equipment
  • Sit on the end of a bench with your legs fully extended in front of you angled towards the floor slightly.
  • Grip the sides of the bench for stability.
  • Leaning back to about a 45-degree angle from the bench. This is the start position.
  • Pull your knees in toward you at the same time moving your torso towards them. Make sure you exhale as you perform this part of the movement. Hold for a count of one.
  • Return to the start position by extending your legs out and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Breathe in as you do this. Pause and repeat.
Note: This exercise can also be performed on the floor by placing your arms to the sides and raising your legs off the floor slightly. slightly over the floor.

More advanced athletes can use a dumbbell between their feet or attach a pulley to them for added resistance.

Bench Leg Pull-In / Knee-up

  1. It Is fifth step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Secondary:
  4. Equipment: No equipment
  • Sit on the end of a bench with your legs fully extended in front of you angled towards the floor slightly.
  • Grip the sides of the bench for stability.
  • Leaning back to about a 45-degree angle from the bench. This is the start position.
  • Pull your knees in toward you at the same time moving your torso towards them. Make sure you exhale as you perform this part of the movement. Hold for a count of one.
  • Return to the start position by extending your legs out and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Breathe in as you do this. Pause and repeat.
Note: This exercise can also be performed on the floor by placing your arms to the sides and raising your legs off the floor slightly. slightly over the floor.

More advanced athletes can use a dumbbell between their feet or attach a pulley to them for added resistance.

Swiss Ball Crunch

  1. It Is sixth step to work out easily your home. without gym equipment you work out.
  2. Primary muscle group: Abs & Obliques
  3. Secondary:
  4. Equipment: Swiss / Exercise ball
  • firsty you Sit on an exercise ball, your feet flat on the floor.
  • Roll the bottom half of your glutes off the ball by walking your feet away from the ball. Your lower back should be positioned at the top centre of the ball.
  • Place your hands loosely behind or on the sides on the sides of your head, but don’t use your them to pull yourself up. Doing so can cause neck injuries.
  • Curl your upper body forward rolling your shoulders forward and down towards your hips.
  • Continue curling forward as far as comfortable. Hold and squeeze your abdominal muscles for a count of one.
  • Return to starting position and repeat all step..
Note: For more added workout speed,you can hold a wish able weight plate to your body chest. 

Warning: when all performing this exercise, use smooth controlled movements. Jerking or using momentum to swing the weight can cause serious lower back injury.every exersize in use two time mostly in a one day..if you use many time is  harm full for body. it is a only guide for you. if you want six pack abs then  your workout is most importent..

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